I was on a train waiting for it to leave the station. I heard some teenage girls laughing and dicking about on the platform and thought nothing of it, until I heard a commotion move along the carriage getting closer and closer.
The train pulled out of the station and by this point, some people were yelping and others were laughing.
I look down at my feet, and there’s a baby seagull. All grey feathers, some still quite fluffy and the sort of age you see them walking around as they haven’t learnt to fly yet.
The teenage girls had chased it from the platform and onto the train. It decided to wander it’s way up the carriage, surprising and scaring people as it did, and for some reason it stopped when it got to me.
A few of the other passengers noticed it had stopped and was staring at me. Then came the “You’ve got a new friend!” and “What are you gonna do now?” comments.
I wasn’t planning on doing anything, but this little thing wouldn’t leave my feet alone.
I picked it up and was surprised at how calm it was. I put on a carrier bag on the seat next to me and it just sat there very contentedly with me.
When the conductor came past, I brought it to his attention. He said “Give it to the guard at the next station, he’ll ‘take care’ of it”.
I genuinely believed he meant they would kill it, so I ended up taking the seagull home with me.
I got a big cardboard box, filled it with dry grass clippings and moss (all I had that was soft and warm to hand) and set about trying to feed it.
Cat food is the best thing to give a seagull that age, but I didn’t have any and lived quite far away from any shops and didn’t drive, so I found out that seagulls quite enjoy;
- Hot dogs
- Baked beans
- Cheerios
After a couple of days I was put into contact with a local rescue and we dropped him off at this place run by a pretty kind, but very eccentric lady.
“Thanks so much for rescuing him! Let’s bring him to the barn to meet the others!”
Amongst all the cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, pigs, llamas, rabbits, guinea pigs and god knows what else, this lady had about 15 baby seagulls in a barn.
They had a big safe area full of straw, with a heat lamp and loads of cat food to eat. She said she just feeds them and when they want to leave, they make their own way and fly off.