Introducing Chris and Mariesa Hughes, the compassionate couple from Clifton Park, New York, who have dedicated their lives to the well-being of elderly and disoblet dogs. Recognizing the unfortunate reality that many aging dogs are abondomed and left to fend for themselves in their twilight years, Chris and Mariesa embarked on a mission to provide a loving sanctuary for these forgotten companions. Their commitment to improving the lives of senior dogs is unparalleled, and they have transformed their own home into a state-of-the-art retirement facility with an investment of $55,000.
Understanding that both elderly and special needs dogs require special attention and care, Chris and Mariesa spared no effort in ensuring that these precious creatures find solace and security in their golden years. The couple’s profound love for canines prompted them to establish the non-profit organization, Mr. Mo Project, named after their beloved elderly dog, Mo. Their aim is clear: to ensure that senior dogs across the nation receive the care and compassion they deserve.
A heartworrming Instagram post captures the couple’s immense joy, showcasing their beloved senior fur babies. Each furry face represents a story of love and devotion, as Chris and Mariesa’s commitment to these dogs knows no bounds.
Chris and Mariesa’s selflessness and dedication are nothing short of angelic. Their unwavering commitment to providing a safe haven for elderly dogs is an inspiration to all.
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