Huddled in pain beneath a cold car, a whimper escaped the dog’s bloodied muzzle. Her broken jaw and leg were testaments to a vicious attack, leaving her alone and afraid.

A dog, Lilac, was found sheltering under a car with a fractured jaw and a shattered leg in Atlanta, Georgia. She had been violently attacked by other dogs and unknown persons. But when a Good Samaritan approached her, she crept out to greet them, as if she realized she was being saved.
She was brought to the vet by New York-based Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs for emergency care.
Further veterinary investigation revealed that Lilac also suffered abdominal trauma due to a gunshot trapped inside of her, in addition to a badly wounded leg and fractured jaw.

Despite the trauma, Lilac’s tail would wag anytime someone offered her attention. After a “touch-and-go” few days, Lilac amazingly came through.
“Where there is a will, there’s a way. There is something about this little survivor, she is so sweet and beautiful,” commented Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs.
“She is the sort of dog that you actually have to grab a hold, sit back and acknowledge the bond with mutual openness. She has survived a lifetime of agony and tragedy yet she wants to love and give and connect.”
Due to the severity of her injuries, vets couldn’t save her leg, but they performed wonders to repair the rest of her. Lilac may have three legs, but she’s on the way to a complete recovery.

Lilac is currently thriving with the love and care she’s getting.
“She battled for a very long time to get to where she is now. She may have lost her leg, but she acquired a family the size of the universe,” remarked her rescuers. “She is receiving so much love from folks in the hospital and from all across the world! We are so thrilled by the outpouring of support and unconditional love for Lilac.”
To assist Lilac and dogs like her, please visit Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs.

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