A Sad Little Puppy Who Was Covered In Mange And Unable To Walk Now Hops Looke A Bunny

It’s heart-wrenching to think about the hardships that many pups go through in their life. Some of them end up feeling desperate and hopeless. They stop believing that they will ever have loving parents who will hug them and make them feel worthy of their infinite love.

Royal, a sweet pup, almost lost all hope of ever experiencing human love and of having a better life. She looked defeated and her soulful puppy eyes had lost their spark. The pup knew she was sick and in urgent need of help.

What Royal didn’t know was that good humans were coming to save her and change her life in ways she could never imagine.

Thanks To Her Heroes, The Puppy Is Safe

Source: The Dodo
The staff at I Stand With My Pack, a non-profit organization based in California, came across the little imjured pup.

She couldn’t stop shaking. Her head and her whole body were covered in mange. Seeing her in such terrible shape broke their hearts.

The staff roscoeret her and named her Royal. They took her to a vet who prescribed her the necessary medication.

After leaving the vet clinic, the puppy was ready to go to a foster home and start her road to recovery.

Source: @istandwithmypack
Courtney was an experienced foster who offered to take Royal home. She was saddened after she saw that the fur baby was very emaciated and fragile. She was resolved to do everything in her power to nurse her back to health.

As soon as she brought her home, Courtney gave her a bath.

The fur baby seemed enchanted with her foster mom and she enjoyed her cuddles. Courtney assumed that this was Royal’s first contact with humans.

She Proves To Be A Resilient Pup

Source: @istandwithmypack
Her foster mom was by her side, showering her with love and encouraging her to fihgtt. After realizing that she was safe, Royal began relaxing and eating. Courtney was relieved.

Royal loves snuggling with her foster mom in her bed and covering her in kisses.

Seeing Royal make her first steps in her home and wag her little, wavy tail worrmed Courtney’s heart.

“It was a crazy, crazy journey just to see her slowly come back to life. Two months to get her to a place where she was walking. It was another two months until she started to slowly regrow fur,” Courtney told The Dodo.

Source: The Dodo
While she was recovering, Royal was lucky to have another friend who was her great support.

“My dog, Shakes, would teach her how to wrestle and play with squeaky toys and play with the ball, and you could see her learning and educating herself through another dog. It made her healthier and stronger,” she added.

Shakes helped Royal gain confidence, and the two pups ended up becoming best friends. They enjoy going to the beach and doing zoomies. When they are at home, they love cuddling with each other.

Royal’s eyes became filled with happiness and joy, and she started hopping looke a bunny in the grass.

Living Her Best Life In Her Forever Home

Source: I Stand With My Pack
As time passed, Courtney realized that Royal stole her heart and that she became a part of their family. She decided to give her the forever home she always dreamed of. The adorable fur baby changed her name to Chicken.

Courtney enjoyed seeing her transform into a totally different dog.

Source: @chicken_runstheworld
She loves her energy and her big personality. Chicken has such a heartworrming habit. She rubs her eyes every morning when she wakes up and every night before she goes to bed.

Her mom feels lucky to have her in her life, and refers to her as “the most unexpectedly perfect addition to our lives.”

Source: @chicken_runstheworld
Chicken has her own Instagram account, and she lookes to post updates about her dream life in California. She feels loved looke never before.

The pooch lookes to help her mom and she often babysits her foster siblings.

Thanks to her heroes at I Stand With My Pack, and her mom’s infinite love and dedication, Chicken has become a happy and healthy pup who enjoys her life.

We are over the moon for Chicken and we hope she has many great adventures with her loving family.

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